Mountain Health Network thanks elected officials for assistance during COVID-19 pandemic
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Mountain Health Network (MHN) and its hospitals, Cabell Huntington Hospital (CHH) and St. Mary’s Medical Center (SMMC), would like to thank our local, state and federal elected officials for their assistance during the COVID-19 pandemic.
“We have and continue to work daily with our local, state and federal leaders on many fronts during this unprecedented health event,” said Michael L. Mullins, FACHE, president and CEO, MHN. “Whether helping us secure personal protective equipment, working to change policies to improve our community’s access to health care, or assisting with funding needs, our delegation at the local, state and federal levels has truly demonstrated that when a serious problem confronts our state and community there is a solution through working together. As we move into the next phase of fighting this unprecedented virus attacking our state and nation, it is only fitting that we thank those leaders who have expended dedicated efforts in support of the health and safety of our community.”
MHN thanks all those dedicated leaders who answer the call to serve our community and its public health, safety and welfare:
U.S. Sen. Shelley Moore Capito
U.S. Sen. Joe Manchin
U.S. Rep. Carol Miller
U.S. Rep. Bill Johnson
Gov. Jim Justice
Senate President Mitch Carmichael
House Speaker Roger Hanshaw
Sen. Robert Plymale
Sen. Mike Woefel
Del. Sean Hornbuckle
Del. Daniel Linville
Del. Chad Lovejoy
Del. John Mandt Jr.
Del. Dr. Matt Rohrbach
Del. Evan Worrell
Cabell Co. Commissioner Nancy Cartmill
Cabell Co. Commissioner Jim Morgan
Cabell Co. Commissioner Kelli Sobonya
Lawrence Co. Commissioner Dr. Colton Copley
Lawrence Co. Commissioner Freddie Hayes Jr.
Lawrence Co. Commissioner DeAnna Holliday
City of Huntington Mayor Steve Williams
City of Milton Mayor Tom Canterbury
Village of Barboursville Mayor Chris Tatum
“This pandemic has united our community in so many ways,” Mullins said. “We truly appreciate everyone working together with us to protect the health and safety of our staff and patients.”